Business Resources: Article and Reference Sources

Did You Know?

If you're taking course from ASU-Jonesboro in the Advanced Studies program here on the Beebe campus, you can get access to the Dean B. Ellis Online Databases remotely. Students currently enrolled in courses for credit through A-State Jonesboro are entitled to full access privileges to the online databases available through the Dean B. Ellis Library website. When you attempt to access the databases from off-campus, you will be prompted to enter your MyCampus username and password (firstname.lastname). Full instructions are located on the off-campus login screen. If you have problems with off-campus access, contact Wendy Crist by email or phone (870) 972-2964. If you have general research questions please contact the library Service Desk at (870) 972-3208 or email

Articles and Reference Sources

The following links will take you to indexes for articles as well as background information on business and related resources. You might want to start out with an online reference source first and then go into more detail with the online journals articles.

Selected eBook Titles